Damn it.
Important Random Thought #2:
I think bus drivers are trained to play mind games with us.
You see, one night, I was sitting at a bus terminal, all tired out, slouching in my seat so much that my butt was practically scrapping the floor. I'd been waiting for my bus for about 15 minutes, and then I saw a driver walking over to the bus. It's almost magical what sort of effect just watching a driver walking can have. Nearly everyone in the bus terminal suddenly sat upright, their eyes wide and alert, staring intently at the bus driver. You could literally cut a hole in the tense atmosphere, that's how tense it was, damn it.
I think the driver must be a wizard.
Harold Lotter and the Magic Bus.
Something like that.
But that's another story! This story is about mind games.
Miiinnnnddd gaaammmmeeesssss.
You see, he strolled casually over to the bus, boarded it, and switched on the lights. All part of the process of starting the bus up and going along on its merry way to send us to our respective homes. The excitement was thick, I tell you.
We all started to rise out of our seats, broad grins stretching across our faces... when the driver turned away from his seat and started to... sweep the floor of the bus.
If real life were an anime, I'm sure most of us would have face-floored, or whatever it's called. Or at the very least, sweatdropped.
But alas, such acts are beyond our meagre human capacities. So we contented ourselves with staring incredulously, our mouths opening and closely soundlessly not unlike that of a goldfish.
Ignoring the crowd of goldfish gaping at him (with magnificent aplomb and unconcern, might I add), the driver continued sweeping the floor for a good 5 minutes before he returned the broom to whatever secret compartment it came from. We all heaved a sigh of relief, and started, yet again, to get to our feet, as he slowly settled into his seat...
Only to fish out a rag and start to wipe the windows.
Damn it.
Important Random Thought #3:
This never quite occured to me before, but the stretch of road right in front of my home is pretty darn beautiful, especially in the morning.
A quiet road, surrounded on both sides by houses and cottages, and flanked by rows of majestic trees that soar into the clear blue sky, sheltering most of the road under a deep green foliage. Golden, warm rays of sunlight filter through the leaves, and a cool breeze causes the leaves to rustle softly, adding an additional element of music to the orchestral suite provided by the whispers of the wind and the singing of the birds. As the wind continues to blow, leaves yellowed with age slowly flutter to the ground in a gentle rain.
A little slice of the country life, of tranquility.
And then the peacefulness is shattered as a heavy container truck thunders past, blasting its horn, followed by a series of speeding cars and motorcycles.

Sad face.
And yes, I'm having insane amounts of fun with my new Wacom tablet. :D