yours whimsically.

Name: Alvin
Age: 21 years old
D.O.B.: 2nd December 1987
Currently studying in:
NUS FASS (CNM major)



December 2006
January 2007
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
February 2009
April 2009

resources: x
Saturday, December 30, 2006
The Amazing Human Body (and mind)

The level of complexity on which our bodies work never fails to amaze me. We are little more than animated sacks of flesh and blood, and yet are capable of doing so many things, like running, swimming, jumping off buildings, shoving that poor unsuspecting soul into the path of a speeding car, and nuking one another.

Our brains are but mere blobs of... gooey substances, but can process millions of thoughts (especially dirty ones), sights (likewise), and sounds (oh ho!) in split seconds. Truly astonishing. What's even more crazy is how our different body parts react in conjunction to said thoughts, sights and sounds. Finally got back at that damned bully who always stole your lunch money? Pump your fist into the air, stamp your feet on the ground, bop your head, and scream "YEAH!" while bajillions of thoughts along the lines of "Hot diggity, I'm AWESOME!" flood your mind.


And just recently, my body showed me why, again, I never cease to be impressed.

It all happened a few days ago, when I was out for lunch and a movie with a group of my pals. I was strolling along, minding my own business, when suddenly an attack came out of the blue from behind, and WHAM! Embedded itself into my unsuspecting posterior. (metaphorically speaking) It was all I could do from falling face first into the ground, which would have resulted in profound embarassment, a lot of profanities, and an altogether memorable-for-the-wrong-reasons outing.

"So... who's your girlfriend?" Came the question from an innocent-sounding gal pal of mine.

For a second, I stared at her, stunned. Millions of thoughts flashed across my mind.

Why is she asking who's my girlfriend? I have a girlfriend? Damn, why wasn't I informed that I had a girlfriend? How did she know I have a girlfriend when I don't know? Wait, that sounds impossible, so does that mean I don't have a girlfriend? Why don't I have a girlfriend? Why is she smiling like that? Could it be that she knows that I don't have a girlfriend, but is pretending that I do so that she can mock me? Why don't I have a girlfriend? Should I feel sad and depressed? Should I throw myself off a building? Or go hide somewhere and slit my wrists? Still, why did she ask who's my girlfriend?

A second later, my mind processed the thoughts, and sent signals to my entire body, informing it of the ideal response. My mouth hung open (upon which some poor, innocent flies met with an untimely demise), my body went slack, my knees buckled, my hands twitched and my eyes popped wide open. Following that, out shot the verbal response that was the culmination of my brain's hard work in processing my thoughts.

